Many people think that regenerative medicine is the medicine of the future. But what these people do not realize is that regenerative medicine has been around for a long time. It started with the first bone marrow transplant and its study has been around longer.
But what is regenerative medicine?
The basic idea of regenerative medicine at this link is that every person has the natural ability within their bodies to heal themselves and defend against illness and injury. It is not a philosophical thing. There are things that are in your body that when activated can trigger healing in a very powerful and regenerative way.
Traditional medicine cures symptoms. But what regenerative medicine seeks is to restore the function and structure of damaged organs and tissues.
For those with debilitating illnesses, injury, and disease, regenerative medicine offers hope. And it offers special hope to those people who have been told by their doctors that there is no longer any cure for their condition. Look for more details about health at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/health-and-wellness/.
How can one benefit form regenerative medicine?
The treatment of symptoms of the disease are medication, transplants, and lifestyle counseling for proponents of traditional medicine. You may have benefited from these treatments before. But these is a decrease in your quality of life and some have their condition return. Regenrative medicine gives more than treatment to symptoms; it cures impaired and failing tissues. Be sure to click for more details!
It is the goal of regenerative medicine to complete healing by using your own cells, blood, and tissues. In the future, doctors practicing regenerative medicine hope to heal the following conditions: cancer, diabetes, heart and blood vessel weakness, liver disease, lung disease and a lot more. Renegerative medicine will help you survive these serious health problems. The quality of life you had before can also be achieved.
Regenerative medicine focuses in several areas today. And here they are.
Cellular therapy or the use of stem cells. Stem cells can heal destroyed or damaged tissues because of disease or trauma. There is an abundance of stem cells in every person in several areas of the body. Adult stem cells are located throughout the body and are especially concentrated in the adipose tissues.
Regenerative medicine seeks to cure patients without the implantation of new organs. You have no guarantee that the implanting of new organs will work all the time. As an example, instead of transplanting a new heart, new heart valves are created.
Growing new organs from the patient’s own cells are now possible with this field. In a lab setting, cells are manipulated to develop replacement organs. This is a response to the shortage of donor organs.
Another way to cure heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and other serious health conditions is through clinical translation. The cure is taken from the patient’s own healthy cells.